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University of North Dakota Migrates Course Evaluations Online with Blue

Montreal, Canada – January 29, 2016 – As part of their strategic plan to transition from paper to online, the University of North Dakota (UND) has selected Blue to manage its course evaluations.

During a thorough RFP review process, Blue’s feature set and support structures were compared to other solutions on the market. Blue was chosen as it meets UND’s evolving assessment needs and because of its reputation with peer institutions in the region.

By aligning themselves with Blue, UND will benefit from a hassle-free migration. Blue will seamlessly integrate with the institution’s current systems allowing them to use existing data, synchronize information, and automate processes. Now the institution can save time and resources, generate professional reports, and increase engagement by providing anonymity to students.

Located in Grand Forks, ND, the University of North Dakota offers students over 225 fields of studies that includes 3,000 courses, 40 online degrees, and 84 graduate programs. As the state’s flagship research institution, UND’s rankings include #1 Fittest College in America, #1 Online College in ND, and one of the Top 200 National Universities. With a diverse student population from 50 states and 85 countries, the university has more offerings than any other higher education institution within the state on North Dakota.


Chanel Sutherland
Content Marketing Specialist

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